Monday 11 May 2009

GP visit

wuhuuuuuuu.....what a day...
Arriving an hour earlier in the Hillside Medical Center, Stapleford, made me nervous...
C a lovely and nice middle-aged receptionist hand me a few questionnaires to be filled during this week...she brought me around the medical practice.."Hurmmm, not too bad"....The is a luxurious bathroom but I'm not too sure why there is a bath tub in it!! "Erm, maybe the doctor need a shower when it's too hot...heheh"....The kitchen next!! Wallaweyyy....Besarnyeee "I'm so gonna be a GP" I thought at that instance...Then the nurses' room, the phlebotomist's room, the secretary room and the "Beautician Room" (What it is for?? BOTOX injection!!!will find out tomorrow)..Then what next?????Fullaaaamaaaakkkkk!

The GP consultation room...A dream work place i shall say 'a mahogany table, a leather chair, a fire place and pretty decorations and paitings on the wall' with a very nice garden view outside...PERFECTOO!...I'm so gonna be a GP.

Then, at 9.30am...a young lady approched me..."Hye, are you the student?"..she asked.
"Yes, I am. I'm a third year medical student from the University of Nottingham. I'll be here for a week. And I'm Maryam by the way"...oh that's just a typical me "Why can't you relax! You don't have to give a lenghty sentences when introducing yourself"...Grrrrrrr!!Cant get rid of my bad habit just yet...

"Oh great. I'm Dr. U"(Confidentiality...I'am so aware of it in this country, not going to get myself sued..heheh)

Gulppppp! (You are not joking are you?)...Oh dear, she is sooooooo young, so pretty, look like a stress-free person...Guess what??She has been a GP for 20 years now...At the age of 40ish she doesnt look like it at all...Owh, I'm so gonna be a GP...hehehhe

I have learnt a lot from her today. A very practical educator she is, i would say. She discussed with me my learning needs. Oh Great!!! I have clerked two patients and presented them to her. Yeaahhhhh...It was scary at first but she said "You are allowed to do as many mistakes as you wish as long as you learn them"...that has boosted my confidence.."Okay=)" I answered her cheerfully and my eyes went slunting (mate sepet la kan)...

Another thing, "dont scribble like mad"...hehehhe...she's not the first person to say that..It's just my habit and routine...I like to jot things down..It's a bit like a parkinson-like tremor if I dont write things down..Prabably it's because my brain is leaking...I couldnt retain any information for more that 3 seconds...will try to improve on this definitely!!!

Eye contact!!!Huhuhu...another weaknesesse of mine...But she understood that it it cultural thing...waaa!I'm so used not to look into someone's eyes..But, having an eye contact will help someone to appear to be more confident...

My strength...I have a lovely smile..."Heheh, i could smile from one ear to another ear"....I have a good sense of humour too..."SO, not too boring!!"...
Okeyla...Irina and Asma dah balik..wanna find out how's their GP visit like!

Bubbye for now.

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